Let's Define Some Things...

Menopause is the natural absence of a menses for 1 full year.

Peri-Menopause is the time period prior to a women's last menses; where hormonal, physical and biological changes are occurring. This can last a few months to a few years.

We know that you are being bombarded with information about hormones, hormone testing, hormone replacement and functional medical options. We know you are being told that your weight gain, brain fog, hair loss, decreased sex drive and insomnia, among other things, are all related to Peri-menopause and the Menopause.
Well, we are here to dispel the myths, help you on your individual journey, and find solutions- both holistic and medicinal- to help you feel like yourself again.

Validated Resources for Your Menopausal Journey

The Menopause Society is one of our leading resources for updated evidenced based guidance for all aspects of your health journey. They are based in America, with an international platform.

The International Menopause Society, IMS is the resource for evidenced based guidance for providers in countries all over the world. They are an international society, based in the UK.

Menopause Info is a site ran by the IMS that is wonderful patient friendly platform.